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CEO Report 2019


Hello Members,

It gives me great pleasure to report to you that your Club has made an annual operating profit for the year ending December 2019. I am extremely thankful to the Board of Directors, who have been very supportive in assisting in gaining this positive result. The club’s full Annual Report for 2019 is available for review on the club’s new website at

The Club has been waiting for Georges River Council to complete a number of reports and studies in regards to assessing the proposed Planning Proposal for the club site. We hope to have further information in regards to the outcome of this proposal soon.

Currently we are in the process of lodging a Development Application (DA) to council in regards to increasing our car parking for club members on the vacant block. We hope to add a number of new car spaces on this vacant block for our members use.

In 2019 we seen new boom gates installed into the club’s car park allowing for members only parking, a number of new air conditioning systems were installed throughout the club, new heating in the alfresco terrace was installed, a number of new cctv cameras were installed throughout the club, and painting to the auditorium and basement areas was carried out.

There is a new snack menu available to members which can be ordered from the bar outside of the bistro hours, so no matter what time of the day or night you will always be able to grab a feed.

It has been a priority for the Board and Staff to attend ongoing training in the key areas of the business to ensure increasing knowledge and paramount customer service to our members.

I would like to congratulate both Mr Sydney White (member #1) and Mr Frank Creighton (member #1077) who have been members of the club for over 50 years. Both gentlemen have been awarded with a 50 year membership card in appreciation of this great achievement.

I would also like to congratulate the following staff members for their length of service with the club, Sonia Music 15 years and Dave Goddard 20 years, thank you and congratulations.

The club AGM will be held on Sunday 29 March 2020 in the club’s Auditorium, and I look forward to seeing you there for a 10:00am start.

We are always looking to improve our service to you, so please let us know if we can improve on anything by asking to speak to one of our Managers, or by simply filling in a Feedback form which is available at the club, you can also provide feedback online at

Once again it has been another successful year for the club and I would like to thank the Board of Directors for developing and updating the club’s strategic plan and supporting our team, the management team for their hard work, our staff for their fantastic customer service and teamwork, and of course all of our members for your patronage and loyalty to our friendly club.

Looking forward to an exciting year ahead for our members and in continuing to support our sub clubs and local community and I look forward to seeing you at the Club soon!

Kind Regards,

Chris Hendley

Chief Executive Officer



