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Penshurst RSL is re-opening!

Dear members and guests.

On Friday, May 22nd the NSW government announced that clubs are permitted to re-open from Monday, June 1st 2020. This is great news, and certainly sooner than we anticipated.

Penshurst RSL is committed to providing a clean, safe and enjoyable club for all to enjoy. Given the covid-19 crisis, the government has imposed a number of requirements on clubs to help restrict the spread of covid-19. Some of the requirements are as follows –

  • Patrons are to practise good personal hygiene behaviours e.g. covering coughs and sneezes, no physical contact such as hugging and shaking hands. The club has adequate hand sanitisers and alcohol wipes throughout the premises for your personal use.
  • All customers, including members, will be required to sign in and provide personal details in order to enter the club.
  • Social distancing of 1.5 metres will be enforced with appropriate signage throughout the club. The seating layout in our dining, lounge and gaming areas will be compliant with social distancing requirements.
  • Dining items such as cutlery, napkins and condiments will be delivered upon service of food.
  • Staff will be undertaking regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces and restrooms.
  • NSW government restricts the clubs capacity to 50 people per dining area, and cannot exceed 1 person per 4 square metres. Based on the rules around dining areas the club has established that there will be four dining areas. This allows the club to accommodate no more than 200 customers at any one time.  

All regular promotions and events remain on hold until further notice, most likely until the government further eases capacity restrictions. This decision has been made as a matter of fairness to all, due to capacity restrictions.

The club is undergoing exciting renovations in order to deliver a covid safe environment. At this stage we anticipate re-opening the club on Thursday, June 4th. We look forward to welcoming you back.       

Kind Regards,

Chris Hendley




