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No Smoking Policy

The policy outlines the objectives the club aims to achieve to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all workers, members and guests of Penshurst RSL Club. The club aims to ensure compliance with the Smoke Free Environment Act 2004 (NSW) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000 (NSW). It also aims to minimise the litter associated with cigarettes by supplying receptacles for cigarette litter in designated smoking areas and at the rear and front of the premises, so as the adjacent streets are no worse off.

Penshurst RSL Club maintain two designated smoking areas, these being the outdoor balcony and the alfresco gaming areas only. All other areas of the club are strictly non-smoking. This policy is endorsed and approved by the board of directors of Penshurst RSL club. All club staff will be, and are, responsible for the enforcement of the Policy.