Author: wbd@admin
Penshurst RSL Notice of Annual General Meeting
Penshurst RSL is re-opening!
Dear members and guests. On Friday, May 22nd the NSW government announced that clubs are permitted to re-open from Monday, June 1st 2020. This is great news, and certainly sooner than we anticipated. Penshurst RSL is committed to providing a clean, safe and enjoyable club for all to enjoy. Given the covid-19 crisis, the government…
Little Achievers Kindergarten
Thank you to the children and educators at the Little Achievers Kindergarten, Penshurst for these kind words and drawings. It’s organisations like these that help continue the ANZAC spirit and legacy. Thank you!
Club Closure
Important Health Announcement
Notice to Members – Change of Auditor
Unveiling the club’s new memorial, honouring WW1 digger John Patrick Hamilton VC
The honourable Prime Minister Scott Morrison unveiling the club’s new memorial, honouring WW1 digger John Patrick Hamilton VC. (L-R) Barry Stevenson Penshurst RSL Sub-branch, Chris Hendley CEO, Hon. David Coleman Member for Banks, Kim Thompson Vice President Penshurst RSL, Hon. Scott Morrison, Graham Grant Penshurst RSL Sub Branch and Director.
Annual Financial Report 2018
Penshurst RSL’s annual financial report for the year ending December 31, 2018 is now available. AGM NOTICE 2019
NEW Charmed Rewards Loyalty Program commenced on July 1 2017
Penshurst RSL Major Renovations!!